Douglas E. Wood Fellowship for Diversity in Surgical Education and Leadership

The Henry N. Harkins Professor and Chair
The primary purpose of Douglas E. Wood Fellowship for Diversity in Surgical Education and Leadership is to enhance the University of Washington’s ability to promote diversity within the UW Department of Surgery by supporting the Department’s ability to recruit, retain, and provide opportunities for professional development for faculty, residents, and fellows in the Department of Surgery. The funds shall be used to support the recruitment, retention, and professional development of individuals in surgery who have overcome difficult paths to surgery, some examples being the overcoming of racism, sexism, xenophobia, and poverty, among other forms of marginalization. Additionally, it will support candidates that show a commitment to applying their service, scholarship, or teaching to further Diversity within Surgery. The Fellowship will provide training and support that will help advance the careers of successful candidates. To address the needs of training, retention and career advancement, the Endowment will provide funding for one year, up to $10,000 per year. All are welcome to apply.
$2,000–$10,000 annually
- Member of the UW Medicine - Department of Surgery
- Career stage: faculty, residents, and fellows (junior faculty preference)
- Research/academic excellence and potential for career as independent surgeon-scientist or clinician scholar
- Leadership goals and potential
- Other unmet need for faculty support or development
- Leadership training
- Recruitment funds
- Research startup or funding gaps
- Advanced clinical training
- Clinical trials or other research training
- Education training
- Application (2-pages, 11 point font):
- Difficulties of path traveled to reach Surgery or barriers to career advancement in Surgery.
- Description of need or project
- Research/academic accomplishments to date
- Future research/scholarly plans
- Short- and long-term career goals
- Plans for applying for grants/other scholarly activity
- Budget with budget justifications (if applicable for research requests, or professional development course description and cost)
- Demonstrating the furthering of diversity within Surgery
- Applicant CV (UW format)
Nominations announcement (annually)—Call for applications will be June-August of year prior to award;
- Application deadline: August 31st
- Awards announced: mid-September of application year
- Funding begins: October of application year
- Submit an annual progress report to the Department of Surgery Diversity Council. This will include the work of furthering Diversity within Surgery.
- Consideration of continuation of funding will be based on an additional application.
Submit application materials to the Office of Healthcare Equity, via email to Bessie Young, ( and Aric Ho (