Surgery Synopsis | Summer 2024

UW Department of Surgery 2024 Surgery Synopsis Summer Edition

This annual “education issue” of Surgery Synopsis is where we celebrate and marvel at our residents, both coming and going. It’s the end of a residency year with graduation and these amazing surgeons are headed off to jobs and fellowships around the country. And at the other end of the training curve, we welcome the…

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Russell Ettinger New Program Director of Plastic Surgery

Portrait photo of Dr. Russell Ettinger

Dear Surgery Synopsis Readers, Approximately six months ago, Dr. Jeffrey Friedrich announced his intention to step down as UW Department of Surgery Plastic Surgery Residency Program Director. He accomplished an amazing 12-year tenure as Program Director, taking us from a “coordinated” residency of three residents/ year (total nine) to currently the largest integrated Plastic Surgery…

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Dr. Elina Quiroga Named Society for Vascular Surgery’s Distinguished Fellow

Portrait photo of Dr. Elina Quiroga

Dr. Elina Quiroga, Professor, Division of Vascular Surgery, was named Society for Vascular Surgery’s (SVS) Distinguished Fellow. This prestigious recognition is bestowed upon SVS members who have distinguished themselves by making substantial contributions in two of three categories: research, service, or education. The announcement was made during the SVS 2024 Vascular Annual Meeting, held June…

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Surgery Synopsis | Spring 2024

Surgery Synopsis 2024 Spring Issue Cover

Welcome to our 2024 spring edition of Surgery Synopsis. In our winter 2023 issue of Surgery Synopsis, as the world was emerging from COVID remote work restrictions, we focused on “What Community Means to You,” asking a cross-section of our department members to describe community. The answers varied, but the theme was clear: community meant…

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UW Medicine ECMO Team Performs First Off-Site Cannulation

On April 18, 2024, UW Medicine’s Extracorporeal Life Support (ECMO) transport team performed their first off-site cannulation for a patient with severe respiratory failure who was too unstable to transport from Valley Medical Center. Once the patient was on ECMO, they were successfully transported to Harborview Medicine Center. About UW Medicine’s ECMO Program Located in…

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Surgery Synopsis | Winter 2024

Surgery Synopsis 2024 Winter Issue Cover

This issue of Surgery Synopsis will focus on the research mission of the Department of Surgery. Research is a critical pillar of our department’s threefold mission (Clinical CareEducation-Research) and boldly leans into the future. The innovative treatments and concepts that surgeons across the world will be using tomorrow are being developed right now in labs,…

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How To Catch Lung Cancer Early and Why It’s Important

Portrait photo of Dr. Douglas Wood

UW Medicine-Right as Rain | August 28, 2023 The thought of getting lung cancer is scary, especially when it’s an unexpected diagnosis. We know that those with a history of smoking or smoking exposure have the most significant risk for the disease. People with jobs that expose them to substances like asbestos, coal smoke, wood…

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Surgery Synopsis | Summer 2023

Surgery Synopsis 2023 Summer Issue Cover

This issue of Surgery Synopsis is our education issue, in which we celebrate our residents and fellows who have completed their training and we welcome our new trainees. We’re always happy to see our graduates begin their careers, knowing they have been well-trained. But we’re sad as well. We worked side by side for years…

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Prowess, persistence yield first-anywhere heart procedure

Cardiologists at the UW Medicine Heart Institute recently performed a first-in-the-world procedure, detaching and retrieving a clip device from a patient’s mitral valve and placing a replacement biologic valve — all through a catheter. Previously this sequence of tasks had been performed only via open surgery. The patient, John Steenmeyer, 76, of Bellingham, Wash., was…

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