Treatment target pinpointed for liver cancer in young adults
UW Medicine | Newsroom | July 3, 2019 New findings show how a genetically aberrant, fused protein promotes a rare form of liver cancer in adolescents and young adults. The researchers also saw that a certain mix of drugs could target the fused protein and the enzymes that it recruits. In the lab, this drug…
Read MoreDr. Benjamin Anderson Honored with WGHA Pioneers of Global Health Award
Monday, June 30, 2019 In June 2019, The Washington Global Health Alliance (WGHA) awarded Dr. Benjamin Anderson, Professor, Division of General Surgery, Breast Health Global Initiative, University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, the Pioneers Award for Impact. “The 2019 Pioneers awardees are bold, compassionate, creative, and persistent in their work to improve…
Read MoreUW researchers unite to salvage their work after radiation leak shuts down their labs
The Stranger | by Timothy Kenney | Wednesday, June 26, 2019 On the morning of Friday, May 3, Dr. Dirk Keene woke up in Atlanta to an automated alert message from the University of Washington. A radiation leak had been detected at the Harborview Research & Training (R&T) building in Seattle, the same building…
Read MoreDr. Douglas Wood presented with WTSA David J. Dugan Distinguished Service Award
Friday, June 28, 2019 Dr. Douglas Wood, The Henry N. Harkins Professor and Chair, was presented with Western Thoracic Surgical Association’s (WTSA) David J. Dugan Distinguished Service Award. To date, this award has been given out 13 times in the 45 year history of WTSA. This award is presented to members of the association in…
Read MoreAs July 4 nears, remember: Fireworks are explosives
UW Medicine | The Huddle | June 28, 2019 While it may be tempting to play with fireworks on the Fourth of July, researchers and doctors say the injuries can be life-altering. Dr. Kari Keys, a plastic surgeon at Harborview Medical Center, found through a study that injuries from mortars and shells are more severe…
Read MoreDr. John H.T. Waldhausen elected APSA president-elect
Wednesday, June 26, 2019 The American Pediatric Surgical Association (APSA) officially announced last month the transition of Joseph P. Vacanti, MD, from President-Elect to President. Dr. Vacanti succeeds President Ronald B. Hirschl, MD, who is now Immediate Past President. The handover took place during the 2019 APSA Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, where the organization…
Read MoreDrs. Elissa Butler and Kate Stadeli awarded Medicine One Foundation grants
Tuesday, June 25, 2019 Drs. Elissa Butler, Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center, Research Fellow, and Kate Stadeli, General Surgery Research Resident, have both received grant awards from Medic One Foundation for their individual research projects. Dr. Butler received an award of $8,700 to support her research project “Evaluation Of Pre-Hospital Blood Product Use By Air Medical Services” and…
Read MoreDr. Giana Davidson elected as UWMC’s chief of staff elect
Tuesday, June 25, 2019 Dr. Giana Davidson, Associate Professor, Division of General Surgery, was elected UW Medical Center’s (UWMC) Chief of Staff Elect. She will begin her two-year term starting July 1, 2019 and will chair UWMC’s Credentials Committee for the next 2 years. Dr. Martin Makela, Medical Director of the UW Medical Center Emergency…
Read MoreSFD recognizes Harborview team for saving drowning victim
UW Medicine | The Huddle | June 3, 2019 During its annual Awards Luncheon on May 16, the Seattle Fire Department presented its Certificate of Recognition to a group of clinicians and first responders who helped save the life of Deena Hernandez, a 21-year-old woman who fell from her paddleboat into freezing water in January…
Read MoreRobotic surgery leads to faster recovery time
UW Medicine | Newsroom | May 22, 2019 Diana Davis was preparing for a family vacation when she found out she had liver cancer caused by hepatitis C. At first, doctors thought she would need a liver transplant. Instead, through the UW Medical Center’s Liver Tumor Clinic, a team of specialists provided a personalized treatment…
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