Dr. Kathleen Berfield Named Chair of National Surgery Office Thoracic Surgical Advisory Board
Monday, June 7, 2021 Dr. Kathleen Berfield, Assistant Professor, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Chief of Thoracic Surgery VA Puget Sound Health Care System, has been named the Chair of the inaugural National Surgery Office Thoracic Surgical Advisory Board (SAB). As Chair of the Thoracic SAB, she will lead other Thoracic surgeons within the Veterans Health…
Read MoreDr. Peter Wu Receives CoC State Chair Outstanding Performance & ACS Awards
Tuesday, May 18, 2021 Dr. Peter Wu, Associate Professor, VA Puget Sound Health Care System (VA), received the American College of Surgeon’s Commission on Cancer’s (CoC) State Chair Outstanding Performance Award for exhibiting outstanding leadership, innovation and making significant contributions to cancer care improvement in Washington state. The award will be presented to Dr. Wu…
Read MoreAmerican Burn Association Awards Peter Brigham Burn Epidemiology Award
Wednesday, April 7, 2021 Drs. Kajal Mehta, Nikki Thrikutam and Barclay Stewart, HIPRC core member, along with partners from Ghana, Nepal, International Society for Burn Injuries (ISBI) and World Health Organization (WHO) were awarded the American Burn Association Peter Brigham Burn Epidemiology Award for their work on cookstove-related injuries. Cookstove-related burns are among the most common…
Read MoreTECHdesk Helps UW Medicine With COVID-19 Research in the Cloud
Tuesday, April 20, 2021 A little over two years ago, a group of UW Medicine faculty and staff met with a team from Microsoft Research-Cambridge (MSRC) to explore a data science partnership. MSRC proposed to combine the clinical and data science expertise at UW Medicine with the expertise of MSRC in data science and machine…
Read MoreUW medical school ranked No. 1 for primary care training
UW Medicine | Newsroom | March 30, 2021 Media Contact: Kim Blakeley – krb13@uw.edu, 206.550.6564 School of Medicine also No. 2 in nation for federal research awards. U.S. News publishes annual rankings of graduate programs. The University of Washington School of Medicine has received the No. 1 ranking for primary care education and No. 2 ranking for family…
Read MoreDr. Deborah Marquardt Awarded AAMC WEGA Mini-Grant
Wednesday, March 3, 2021 Dr. Deborah Marquardt, Assistant Professor, VA Puget Sound Health Care System, was awarded the Association of American Medical College Western Group on Educational Affairs (WEGA) mini-grant for her project “Tailoring Anatomy Review in Core Clinical Clerkships: A Needs Assessment.” The WGEA “seeks to promote scholarship in medical education that examines interventions, modalities,…
Read MoreDr. Lorrie Langedale Appointed ACS SESAP Program Director
Tuesday, March 9, 2021 Dr. Lorrie Langdale, Professor & Chief, Section of General Surgery, VA Puget Sound Health Care System, was appointed Program Director for the American College of Surgeons’ Surgical Education and Self-Assessment Program’s (SESAP) 18 Advanced modules. Now in its 17th edition, the SESAP is the premier educational resource for practicing surgeons. To…
Read MoreDr. Estell Williams Receives the 2021 Distinguished Service Award
January 25, 2021 UW Health Sciences and UW Medicine pay tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr. yearly and during this challenging time of the COVID pandemic it is being done with a dynamic and engaging website celebrating his life and the diversity at the UW. As part of this celebration, the committee confers a “Distinguished…
Read MoreDr. Barclay Stewart & HIPRC Team Awarded Department Of Defense Funds To Study Enteral Resuscitation For Major Burn Injuries
Wednesday, January 20, 2021 The findings of this new study may have important implications for the military, early burn care, and resuscitation of people burned in the rural U.S. and in low- and middle-income countries, where 90% of all burn injuries occur. Patients with major burns require fluid to prevent dehydration, organ failure and death.…
Read MoreRedmond woman recovering from rare transplant surgery to cure cancer
KOMO7 News | Monday, January 4, 2021 In a transplant unprecedented in the Pacific Northwest, Kris Anderson received a lobe of liver from her daughter in hopes of ending 9 years of metastatic. Features UW Department of Surgery’s Dr. Mark Sturdevant, Associate Professor, Division of Transplant Surgery. Watch video >>
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