Schilling 2021 Abstract Book Final

[…] Chair for Research, Profe ssor of Surgery 6:35AM Catherine Beni, MD, PhD, Research Resident “Early ICU Resuscitation in Critically Ill Trauma Patients: Do We Nee d a New Strategy?” (Long Format Presentation) ……….Page 15 6:40AM Discussant: Samuel P. Mandell, MD, MPH, Professor, Division of Trauma, B urn & Critical Care Surgery 6:45AM Alison Haruta, […]

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Surgery Synopsis – Fall 2021 – Chair’s Column

T his issue of Surger y Synopsis is our Education issue, in which we celebrate our residents and fellows who have completed their training and welcome our new trainees. Over the course of the last year we’ve featured a number of adaptations and changes in the way we have conducted resident inter views, as […]

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Surgery Synopsis – Spring 2020 – Chair’s Column

[…] Resi- dents have volunteered to work in the ICUs and EDs and have provided an important foundation of support, enabling our health care system to meet the new clinical chal- lenges of COVID–19 patients. Likewise our faculty have supported each other, making accommodations for colleagues at higher risk of coronavirus infection, shifting from elective […]

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[…] of Liver Diseases with a title, “Split Liver Transplant: Should we push for it?” This presentation resulted from a publication in Transplantation in June 2019 entitled, ” New Evidence Supporting Increased Use of Split Liver Transplantation.” This work encourages liver transplant centers to utilize splitting donor livers to transplant two waiting candidates instead of […]

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[…] from basic language skills to the management and leadership of very complex organizations. Because of their educational mission, they also have been at the forefront of developing new tools and techniques and support many modalities of education, including simulation. One could easily argue that this simulation focus has given us flight simulators, the gaming […]

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[…] experience. Institutions are considered high volume centers if they treat over 10 CDH patients per year. At Seattle Children’s Hospital (SCH), we treat an average of 25 new patients per year with this condition, beginning in the prenatal period and extending throughout childhood. The average length of stay and resource utilization for these patients […]

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[…] WINTER 2021-22 PAGE 33 Dep artm en t of S u rg ery in th e media FA C U LT Y Surgery Synopsis is an in–house newsletter published on a quarterly basis to highlight the academic and research activities of the University of Washington School of Medicine Department of Surgery. This publication is […]

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Surgery Synopsis – Fall 2021 – New Faculty

[…] W El c o m E n E W F a c u l t y I t is with great pleasure we announce and welcome our new faculty members. Each new faculty member introduces an added level of experience, quality, and service to the Department of Surgery. Scott Brakenridge, MD Associate Professor Division […]

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Surgery Synopsis Spring 2022 Kidney Transplant Program

[…] their kidney for non-cancerous conditions which are successfully used for transplantation. Most of our patients participate in research, either sponsored or independent, allowing our patients to experience new medications and technologies. As a result, our program is forefront in experience and expertise with these technologies. Kidney Transplant Program If you are interested in learning […]

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