
[…] the Council intentionally addresses DEI concerns and initiatives. While this was follow-up to our initial 2015 diversit y sur vey, the 2020 sur vey was re-imagined, with new questions and a new format. The sur vey deployment was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but ultimately distributed via email in May 2020. It was […]

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[…] the Council intentionally addresses DEI concerns and initiatives. While this was follow-up to our initial 2015 diversit y sur vey, the 2020 sur vey was re-imagined, with new questions and a new format. The sur vey deployment was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but ultimately distributed via email in May 2020. It was […]

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Surgery Synopsis – Spring 2019 – Honors, Awards, Publications

[…] similar session at our first-ever leadership program for medical students, as well as the AAMC’s 2019 Annual Meeting (Learn, Serve, Lead) and our flagship leadership seminar for new Department Chairs and Associate Deans. h onorS & A wArd S Beth Costa, Barclay Stewart & Nicole Gibran Surgery News SURGERY SYNOPSIS • SPRING 2019 • […]

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[…] Nkrumah University of Science and Technology) and Commander Kwesi Nsaful (surgeon and burn director at 37 Military Hospital) to discuss logistics of U.S. Department of Defense-funded, ‘Far- Forward, Fluid First,’ enteral resuscitation (4F EnteroResus) for major burn injuries in Ghana: a hybrid type II effectiveness-implementation cluster randomized trial. Research Highlight | Global Surgery INTERESTED […]

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[…] , Professor & Chief, UW Medicine (UWM) Regional Burn Center, Harborview Medical Center (HMC), was recently named the David and Nancy Auth –Washington Research Foundation Endowed Chair for Restorative Burn Surgery. Dr. David Auth, an innovator who helped countless lives by successfully devising minimally invasive surgical technologies, created this endowment in partnership with the […]

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SURGERY SYNOPSIS • SUMMER/FALL 2019 • PAGE 8 I t is with great pleasure we announce and welcome our new fac – ulty members. Each new faculty member introduces an added level of experience, quality, and service to the Department of S u r g e r y. Sarah Atkinson, MD, Assistant Professor, Division […]

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Surgery Synopsis – Spring 2020 – New Faculty

[…] Education at UVA before she pivoted back to translational research in the effects of endogenous retroviruses I t is with great pleasure we announce and welcome our new faculty members. Each new faculty member introduces an added level of experience, quality, and service to the Department of Surgery. N EW FACULTY (continued on page […]

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Surgery Synopsis – Spring/Summer 2017 – New Research Residents

SURGERY SYNOPSIS • SPRING/SUMMER 2017 • PAGE 8 (continued on page 9) Welcome 2017/18 New Surgery Residents Continued from page 7 CARDIOTHORACIC / PLASTIC / UROLOGY / VASCULAR SURGERY RESIDENTS Alison Bae, MDPlastic Surgery R1 Edward Chang, MD Urology R1 Sean Fisher, MD Plastic Surgery R1 Jake Hemingway, MD Vascular Surgery R1 Melissa Herrin, […]

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Surgery Synopsis – Spring/Summer 2017 – New Residents

SURGERY SYNOPSIS • SPRING/SUMMER 2017 • PAGE 6 Welcome 2017/18 New Surgery Residents Why I Chose Residency at University of Washington Department of Surgery “For so many reasons! Not only does UW exemplify excellence in academic surgery, it also provides a unique environment that combines all of my interests: trauma and critical care, pediatric […]

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2022 August Department of Surgery Grand Rounds Flyer

[…] Assistant Professor Division of Trauma, Burn, & Critical Care Surgery UW Department of Surgery The University of Washington School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education t o p rovide continuing medical education for physicians. The University of Washington School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum […]

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