Emeritus Faculty

    Emeritus Faculty Home » About » Faculty » Emeritus Faculty Welcome Our Story Alfred A. Strauss, MD, FACS Strauss Lecture Chronology Our Surgeons New Faculty Emeritus Faculty Awards & Honors Faculty Residents & Fellows Alumni Harkins Society Events Harkins History Annual Surgery Education Fund Distinguished Alumnus Award Schilling Lecture & Research Symposium […]

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American College of Surgeons/Society of Thoracic Surgeons Verification Program in General Thoracic Surgery

Dr. Farhood Farjah

[…] Thoracic Surgery is the second program in the nation to participate in the American College of Surgeons/Society of Thoracic Surgeons Verification Program in General Thoracic Surgery. This new program is a quality improvement initiative modelled from similar programs for trauma and bariatric surgery. A key feature of Verification programs is to help surgeons obtain […]

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    Our Surgeons Home » About » Faculty Welcome Our Story Alfred A. Strauss, MD, FACS Strauss Lecture Chronology Our Surgeons New Faculty Emeritus Faculty Awards & Honors Faculty Residents & Fellows Alumni Harkins Society Events Harkins History Annual Surgery Education Fund Distinguished Alumnus Award Schilling Lecture & Research Symposium About The Schilling […]

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Dr. Jeff Avansino Appointed VP & Medical Director of Surgical Services, Associate Surgeon-in-Chief at Seattle Children’s Hospital

Dr. Jeffrey R. Avansino

[…] General Surgery, UW School of Medicine was recently named vice president and medical director of Surgical Services and Associate Surgeon-in-Chief at Seattle Children’s Hospital (SCH). In this new role, Jeff will provide medical leadership and oversight for Surgical Services. He will also be responsible for quality, safety, service and flow in the operating rooms, […]

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Dr. Matthew Bartek Published “Improving Operating Room Efficiency: Machine Learning Approach to Predict Case-Time Duration” in JACS

Dr. Matthew Bartek

[…] the American College of Surgeons.  Dr. Bartek details “We started with a simple question: “Can we accurately predict how long an operation will take using preoperative in formation?” Answering this question has broad-reaching implications, given that operating room procedures account for a large portion of hospital revenue and cost. Our interdisciplinary team was a […]

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Surgery Synopsis | Winter 2022-23

Surgery Synopsis Winter 2022-23 Front Cover Thumbnail

Wh at do we mean when we talk about “community?” We understand the definition, “a feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.” But what do we mean when we use this term in the context of our department and training programs? Community comes in many sizes […]

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Department of Surgery 2022 December Grand Rounds Flyer

[…] MSc. Professor of Medicine Department of Critical Care Medicine, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON The U niversity of Washington School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The University of Washington School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 20.0 […]

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[…] lung cancer. • Discuss the role for standard radiation and protons for thoracic malignancies disease. • Review the choice of options for early stage lung cancer. • Understand new options for small cell lung cancer. • Discuss the most current systemic therapies for stage IV NSCLC. • Review treatment options for thymic malignancies. • Understand […]

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A Historicab Perspective on Reseagrch in the  Department of Surgegry: A Constant Durigng Changing Times report from the chairman 4 Since 1974, the University of Washington has annually  received the highest amount of federal research funding  among public universities and the second highest among  all public and private universities in the United States.  The Department of Surgery is a full participant in this  strong scientifi c culture and considers research to be one  of its priorities. Our departmental research enterprise is  thriving, in no small part due to the talent, perseverance,  and collaborative philosophy of our faculty members.  Our current successes are built on a solid research foundation  established since the beginning of our department. The  University of Washington (U W) School of Medicine opened  in 1946. The fi rst Chairman of the Department of Surgery  was Dr. Henry N. Harkins, recruited from Johns Hopkins  University. Dr. Harkins brought with him the strong tradi- tion of research from Johns Hopkins, with his own focus on  gastrointestinal physiology.  New impetus to the department’s  research activities arrived in the 1970’s with Dr. Eugene  Strandness, who worked with colleagues in Bioengineering  to develop ultrasonic duplex scanning for the diagnosis of  vascular disorders. Drs. Alexander Clowes and Ronald Maier  in the 1980’s expanded the departmental research program  with projects in vascular biology and infl ammation. Current  research interests in the department are broad and include  outcomes research, infection, ischemia reperfusion, trans- plantation, gastrointestinal physiology, vascular biology and  imaging, developing, applying and evaluating new advanced  laparoscopic techniques, and research on education. The past decade has produced a substantial growth of  research activity in the Department of Surgery, as measured  by expenditures from extramural support and dedicated fl oor  space. From 2002 to 2009, total annual expenditures in the  Department of Surgery from extramural sources of support  grew by 27% , from $ 8,124,636 to $10,335,338. From 2003  to 2010, the amount of designated space for research grew by  32% . The increase during this period came largely from the  new multidisciplinary state-of-the-art research space in the  Brotman Building at the U W South Lake Union research  facility. Aside from simple square footage, the number of sites  where Department of Surgery research is now conducted has  increased. From a single row of laboratories along the Depart- ment of Surgery hallway in the Health Sciences Building, our  research units are now found at Harborview Medical Center,  the Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System (“the  […]

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