Inspire and empower future surgeons to improve health and equity locally and globally.
Develop future leaders in surgery to discover and create dignified, justice-oriented, and sustainable improvements to the health and care of vulnerable populations.
UW has a long history in global surgery. Faculty members have played key roles in landmark research, professional societies, World Health Organization products, key guidelines, and academic movements. We are proud to coalesce these foundational experiences and mentors into UW PROGRESS. Together, we will continue to make impacts in the lives of people who need surgical care and support the development of leaders in global surgery at UW and beyond.
Learn more about the Department of Surgery’s efforts to meet global health needs >>

Barclay Stewart, MD, PhD, MPH
Dr. Stewart is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Washington and Core Faculty of the Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center. He manages care for adults and children who have sustained burn and other injuries at Harborview Medical Center. In addition to his clinical roles, he directs a long-term outcome after burn injury study based at Harborview, and NIH- and DoD-funded research programs in Ghana and Nepal focused on resuscitation and care in austere contexts. Dr. Stewart works with several professional societies that aim to improve trauma and burn care in low-resource settings and is a consultant to the World Health Organization on these issues. Dr. Stewart is also a Faculty Lead at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded Strategic Analysis, Research and Training (START) Center in the Department of Global Health.

Sarah Greenberg, MD, MPH
Dr. Greenberg is a pediatric general and thoracic surgeon at Seattle Children’s Hospital, and an Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington. Her interests are on equity and global surgery and she currently is an At Large Director for the Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery, the liaison between the Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery and the Program in Global Surgery and Social Change, the lead of Seattle Children’s Hospital’s Surgical Equity Workgroup to Underscore Population Health (SEW-UP) and the surgical lead of Seattle Children’s Hospital’s EDI MOC program GATHER (Generate and Teach Health Equity Routinely).

Charles Mock, MD, PhD
Dr. Mock is a Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Washington and Global Injury Section Head at Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center. Dr. Mock holds positions in Global Health, Epidemiology and Pediatrics Departments as well. Dr. Mock has been and continues to be a major contributor to key global surgery, injury prevention and trauma care initiatives including: World Health Organization products (e.g., Guidelines on Essential Trauma Care, Guidelines for Trauma Quality Improvement Programs, Strengthening Care for the Injured: Success Stories and Lessons Learned from Around the World), The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery, and The World Bank Disease Control Priorities Project Essential Surgery. Dr. Mock has mentored dozens of trainees and faculty at UW and in Peru, India, Nepal, Vietnam, and Ghana. Dr. Mock has dedicated a large part of his career to injury prevention and control research and training in Ghana where he has worked as a surgeon, educator, mentor and co-investigator on several training and research grants.