Nahush Mokadam: Reflections of a heart transplant surgeon
The Huddle | February 12, 2018 I’m always amazed at what we can do in the operating room. We can stop an organ donor’s heart, remove it from their body, pack it in ice, transport it 1,500 miles, stitch it into someone else’s body, and…it beats! It’s truly awe-inspiring. I’ve seen observers and medical students…
Read MoreDr. Bryce Robinson at SUS New Member Poster Session
Dr. Bryce Robinson, Associate Medical Director, Critical Care, Associate Professor of Surgery, Division of Trauma, Burn and Critical Care Surgery, at the new member poster session at the Society of University Surgeons (SUS). His poster was a summation of three studies investigating early, modifiable risks factors for the development of lung injury after injury. In…
Read More‘We thought we’d pulled a dead person out of the water’: Woman recovers after Puget Sound rescue
The Seattle Times | Originally published February 7, 2018 at 6:00 am Updated February 7, 2018 at 8:06 am | By Christine Clarridge, Seattle Times staff reporter Just before 3 a.m., the distress call came in to the Coast Guard’s Small Boat Rescue Station in Seattle: A young woman and another person were on a weather-battled paddleboat in the…
Read MoreAmerican College of Surgeons’ Leadership
American College of Surgeons’ (ACS) Board of Regents Dinner representing the first time that ACS’s leadership are all women.
Read MoreCarlos Pellegrini: My journey from obstacles to opportunities
UW Medicine | The Huddle | January 16, 2018 By Dr. Carlos Pellegrini, Chief Medical Officer, UW Medicine and VP for Medical Affairs At some time in our lives most of us have, or will have, to face adversity. Adversity may manifest itself in different ways: the loss of a job, the loss of a…
Read MoreAirlift Northwest opens base in Bremerton
UW Medicine | Newsroom | December 11, 2017 The Olympic Peninsula’s growing population, coupled with the region’s worsening traffic, prompted the action. Airlift Northwest, a Pacific Northwest air medical transport provider, has expanded its services and capabilities on the Olympic Peninsula and surrounding communities with today’s opening of a new base at the Bremerton National…
Read MoreDrs. Kate Stadeli and Jay Zhu Selected for ACGME BacktoBedside Initiative Funding
Drs. Kate Stadeli (pictured right) and Jay Zhu (pictured left), research residents in the Division of General Surgery, have been selected for Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) BacktoBedside Initiative Funding. The ACGME Council of Review Committee Residents (CRCR) designed the “BacktoBedside” initiative to empower residents and fellows to develop transformative projects that combat burnout by fostering…
Read MoreSurgeons perform region’s 1st ‘liver in a box’ transplant
The Huddle | November 2017 | By Brian Donohue Surgeons at UW Medicine in Seattle have performed the first liver transplant in the Pacific Northwest involving a warm blood-perfusion device to transport the organ between donor and recipient. Paul A. Hamilton, 47, of Seattle, received the organ in an eight-hour procedure Nov. 19 at University of Washington…
Read More‘Super hero’ home from Afghanistan donates liver to nephew
The first thing you notice about Hudson Hill is his hair. He has a full, thick head of hair seen on few children. Then you notice his big eyes and expressive smile. But the tube running out of his nose quickly registers. And there, is of course, the hospital bed. Hudson is a patient at Seattle Children’s…
Read MoreDr. Sherene Shalhub Receives PCORI Tier A Pipeline to Proposal Award
Dr. Sherene Shalhub, Assistant Professor, Division of Vascular Surgery, received a PCORI Tier A Pipeline to Proposal award for her project entitled “Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (VEDS) Research Agenda Collaboration.” This one-year project started in October 2017 and provides $50,000 to form a team that will include patients with Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (VEDS), clinicians, and researchers with…
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