Welcome From The Chair
Welcome From The Chair

Douglas E. Wood, MD, FACS, FRCSEd
The Henry N. Harkins Professor and Chair
I am delighted to welcome you to the Department of Surgery website. I invite you to peruse the many facets of our department described in this site - including our nationally and internationally respected faculty, the nature and scope of our surgical programs, our highly regarded residency programs and our exciting research endeavors that include basic, translational, outcomes and clinical research.
Department Statistics
Presently, the Department of Surgery has 161 clinical and research faculty, covering eight specialties and numerous sub-specialties. Many of them hold joint appointments in other departments such as Bio-engineering, Orthopedic Surgery and others. The department currently has 108 residents and 20 ACGME accredited, research and non-accredited fellowship positions and numerous visiting scientists throughout the year. We are fortunate to also have 145 academic faculty from throughout the community who, among other things, help us fulfill our education mission, training UW School of Medicine students around the WWAMI region (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho). In 2024, our patient encounters were approximately 136,786.
Patient Care
Patient care is carried out on nine (9) locations:
- UW Medical Center - Montlake
- Harborview Medical Center
- Fred Hutch Cancer Center
- Seattle Children's Hospital
- UW Medical Center - Northwest
- Valley Medical Center
- Mary Bridge Children's Hospital
- Veteran's Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System (VA)
- Eastside Specialty Center
Within the Department of Surgery, our specialties cover:
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- General Surgery
- Healthcare Simulation Science
- Pediatric Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Transplant Surgery
- Trauma, Burn & Critical Care Surgery
- Vascular Surgery
The Trauma Burn and Critical Care programs are located at Harborview Medical Center, the premiere (and only) Level 1 Trauma Center in the region and a leading Trauma Center in the USA and internationally. Each of our specialty areas is on the leading edge.
With premier faculty, expanding facilities and technology and superb teamwork, we are able address every part of our Mission: to deliver excellent care to our patients, the finest education to our residents and fellows, and using research to advance medical care.
Our statistics tell one story, but perhaps the heart of our department is found in the dynamics of change, balanced by the ongoing commitment to provide quality healthcare. This is truly a balancing act; "new" is constantly in the air, and anything new both titillates and challenges. As surgeons, we proceed to find new - that is, better - ways to provide superior and cost-effective outcomes for our patients. It is exciting to hear and read about the "new" work that is being done in our field; at the same time, we are responsible for evaluating and assuring the efficacy of these new advances.
We strive to do innovative and high-impact research, and our numbers speak to our success. In Fiscal Year 2021, department of Surgery received 40 awards from 34 different sponsors totaling $10.4 million. Basic science research in DOS is well-funded and nationally recognized, and continues to be a major area of focus of the research enterprise in the department. Bench research has led to the better understanding of vascular biology, wound healing and ischemia reperfusion, and cancer to name just a few. The department has also developed an outstanding program in health services research. Health services and outcomes researchers help identify the best evidence to guide patient care, and "translate" this research into practice and policy by working with surgeons, payers and policy-makers. This area of research has become a transformative agent in surgical care and within the surgical community over the last several years; the department of Surgery has been at the forefront of this work and has a nationally recognized and growing center devoted to this work, the Surgical Outcome Research Center (SORCE).
At all times, we work to carry out the clinical applications of our research in a responsible manner and to provide the kind of research training that will both inspire and prepare the next generation of surgeons to continue this important work.
Medical Education
Teaching future surgeons is at the heart of our academic mission. Our residency and fellowship programs are vigorous and we continue to fill our program with the best and brightest surgeons. Our programs have engaged in innovative restructuring opportunities to better meet the needs of graduate medical education. As in the other parts of our mission, we are devoted to innovation in teaching that meets the demands of society, the needs of our students, and takes advantage of new technologies that assist teaching and learning. To that end the WWAMI Institute for Simulation in Healthcare (WISH) was established and has just completed its 13th year. WISH is a multi-disciplinary Center, located on multiple campuses, that has, as its primary goal, to provide leadership in the use of simulation technologies to improve the quality of health care education and improve patient safety and outcomes. The department of Surgery is proud to be the Administrative home of WISH and to provide it with substantial faculty involvement in addition to administrative support.
As you peruse our website, we trust you understand the story of the department of Surgery and will find information you might need concerning our department.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Douglas E. Wood, MD, FACS, FRCSEd
The Henry N. Harkins Professor and Chair
Department of Surgery
University of Washington
Douglas E. Wood, MD, FACS, FRCSEd
The Henry N. Harkins Professor and Chair
Jeffrey B. Friedrich, MD, MC
Vice Chair for Education
Estell J. Williams, MD
Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Kristine E. Calhoun, MD
Vice Chair for Faculty Affairs & Development
David R. Flum, MD, MPH
Vice Chair for Research
Jay Pal, MD, PhD
Vice Chair for Quality & Safety
Michael S. Mulligan, MD
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Brant K. Oelschlager, MD
General Surgery
Robert M. Sweet, MD
Healthcare Simulation Science
Steven Lee, MD
Pediatric Surgery; Seattle Children's Hospital, Surgeon-in-Chief
Nicholas B. Vedder, MD
Plastic Surgery
Ryutaro Hirose, MD
Transplant Surgery
Eileen M. Bulger, MD
Trauma, Burn & Critical Care
Niten Singh, MD
Vascular Surgery
Roger P. Tatum, MD
VA Healthcare (VAPHS), Surgeon-in-Chief
Susan Marx, MBA, PMP
Vice Chair, Administration & Finance
Erin Carney Fannon
Director of Program Operations, Surgical Outcomes Research Center (SORCE)
Roland Lai
Director of IT Services, Department of Surgery and Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine
Farrah Leland, JD
Associate Director of Finance and Research, Division of Healthcare Simulation Science, WISH, CREST
Judith Rapp
Assistant Director, Academic and Staff Human Resources and Communications
Kate Rimmer, MBA
Associate Director, Clinical Finance and Programs
Megan Sherman, MAEdHD
Associate Director of Operations, Division of Healthcare Simulation Science, WISH
Catherine Wicks
Assistant Director, Finance Operations and Pre-/Post-Award Administration
Kira Baker, MHA, MBA
Senior Administrator of Operations: Trauma, Burn & Critical Care Surgery (Harborview Medical Center); Veterans Administration Healthcare (VAPHS); Surgical Education Programs/Education Division
John Christopher, MHA
Administrator of Operations: Cardiothoracic Surgery; Transplant Surgery; Vascular Surgery
Matt Spotanski, MBA, BSN, RN
Administrator of Operations: General Surgery; Pediatric General Surgery; Plastic Surgery