Residents/Fellows Awards, Honors & Publications

Residents/Fellows Awards, Honors & Publications

Dr. Hannah Wild Awarded the Humanitarian Grand Challenges Grant and NIH Fogarty Global Health Equity Scholars Fellowship

Dr. Hannah Wild

Dr. Hannah Wild

Dr. Hannah Wild, Research Resident, was awarded a Humanitarian Grand Challenges Grant funded by USAID, UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, Government of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Global Affairs Canada/Grand Challenges Canada. The grant is 250,000 CAD and successful projects are eligible for up to 1,500,000 CAD Phase 2 funding to scale. The focus of this project is to enhance coordination between humanitarian mine action and trauma care strengthening for civilian victims of explosive weapons. She will work with the mine action operator Mines Advisory Group (MAG) and local partners to conduct a pilot implementation of layperson first responder trainings in Burkina Faso among communities affected by improvised explosive devices (IEDs). She has also received a NIH Fogarty Global Health Equity Scholars Fellowship through Yale University for her second research year working under the mentorship of Dr. Barclay Stewart, Assistant Professor, Division of Trauma, Burn & Critical Care Surgery and Dr. Nicolas Meda at the University of Joseph Ki-Zerbo in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Douglas E. Wood Fellowship for Diversity in Surgical Education and Leadership

Dr. Thais Calderon

Dr. Thais Calderon

The primary purpose of the Douglas E. Wood Fellowship for Diversity in Surgical Education and Leadership is to enhance the University of Washington’s ability to promote diversity within the UW Department of Surgery by supporting the department’s ability to recruit, retain, and provide opportunities for professional development for faculty, residents, and fellows in the Department of Surgery. Managed by the Office of Healthcare Equity (OHCE), a 2024 fellow has been selected. Dr. Thais Calderon, Plastic Surgery PGY-3, has been selected to teach alongside DEI Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery (PRS) Leaders at the 2024 ACEPS Meeting as part of the third annual PREPPED initiative. PREPPED (Plastic Surgery Research, Education, and Preparation Promoting Equity and Diversity) is a plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery program for under-represented in medicine third year medical students. This encompasses those students who identify as low social economical background, part of a racial minority, or those without a home program. Dr. Calderon was selected due to her strong application and goals for utilization of funds. She hopes to continue to contribute to efforts of diversifying the PRS field by attending the PREPPED boot camp as a UW representative and resident educator. This opportunity allows Dr. Calderon to represent the UW Department of Surgery and its values such as DEI, but it will also be a tremendous networking opportunity within PRS for her ongoing career development. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Calderon on this achievement in being named a Douglas E. Wood Fellow.