Surgery News

Sara Javid, MD New Associate Editor Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (JNCCN)

Portrait photo of Dr. Sara Javid

JNCCN—Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Strengthens Editorial Focus on Original, Impactful Research into Cancer Care Delivery Journal reaches new heights for readership and impact rating thanks to expanding content, including new studies, panel insights, and NCCN Guidelines® FORT WASHINGTON, PA [August 6, 2018] — Today, JNCCN—Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network introduced new associate editors,…

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When did scald burns become a prank?

UW Medicine | Newsroom | August 2, 2018 Actions of unthinking perpetrators land people in hospitals, with significant injuries. The so-called “hot-water challenge” making news headlines leaves Dr. Sam Mandell incredulous. “It’s really bad idea. People should know that hot water will burn you,” said Mandell, a UW Medicine surgeon and specialist in trauma, critical…

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July 2018 Department of Surgery Grand Rounds Presented by Hugh Foy, MD

Dr. Hugh Foy

“Development of a Comprehensive Emergency Medical Service: The Seattle Story” Hugh Foy, MD >> Professor, Department of Surgery Director, Surgical Specialties Clinic University of Washington Harborview Medical Center               (Video may contain graphic intraoperative images)

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Harborview Medical Center: KNKX Sound Effect, Episode 149

KNKX | Your Connection to Jazz, Blues and NPR News Program: Sound Effect by Kevin Kniestedt & Gabriel Spitzer | June 30, 2018 This week we spend the hour with stories from Harborview Medical Center, the Level 1 Trauma Center covering four states and nearly 100,000 square miles. We hear the story of a tragic house fire in…

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