Strauss Lecture Chronology
2022 DR. JEFFREY B. MATTHEWS, Chicago, IL, "Truth and Truthiness: Evidence, Experience, and Clinical Judgement in Surgery" View video >>
2021 DR. HENRI FORD, Coral Gables, "The Imperative for Diversity in Academic Surgery" View video >>
2020 DR. EDWIN E. CORNWELL, Washington, DC, "Outcomes Disparities in Trauma Care: Who, When, Why" View video >>
2019 DR. VALERIE W. RUSCH, New York, "The Thoracic Surgeon in 2030: A Paradigm for Surgical Evolution"
2018 DR. JONATHAN WOODSON, Boston, "Preparing Surgeons to Operate in a VUCA World (or Why Surgeons Should Embrace Chaos Theory)"
2017 DR. ANDREA L. PUSIC, New York, "Patient-Reported Outcomes in Surgery: Improving Clinical Care and Quality" View video >>
2016 DR. ROBERT S.D. HIGGENS, Baltimore, "Surgery in the Next Millennium...Honoring The Past and Creating a Sustainable Future Now"
2015 DR. THOMAS M. KRUMMEL, Stanford, "The Best Way to Predict the Future…Is to Invent It"
2014 DR. MARCO PATTI, Chicago, "From the Odyssey to Present Times: Role of Mentoring in the Academic World"
2013 DR. THOMAS RUSSELL, San Francisco, "Better Health, Better Care, Lower Cost"
2012 DR. MICHAEL J. ZINNER, Boston, "Evolution of Health Care in America: Where Did We Come From? Where Are We Going?"
2011 DR. BRUCE L. GEWERTZ, Los Angeles, "What Patients Expect From Their Doctors: And How We Can Give it to Them"
2010 DR. JEFFREY L. PONSKY, Cleveland, "The Evolution of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: The Impact on General Surgery"
2009 DR. RICHARD C. KARL, Tampa, "Protection From Harm: How Medicine Can Learn from Airplanes and Submarines"
2008 DR. FABRIZIO MICHELASSI, New York, "Going Global: U.S. Academic Medical Centers' Involvement Abroad"
2007 DR. JOHN HUNTER, Portland, "Chasing Quality: Our Search for the Holy Grail"
2006 DR. JERRY GOLDSTONE, Cleveland, "Commercialization of Health Care and the Quest for Quality: Consumers, Corporations and Consultants"
2005 DR. RICHARD FINLEY, Vancouver, "The Canadian Health Care System: Myths and Realities"
2004 DR. L.D. BRITT, Norfolk, "The Overhauling of Graduate Medical Education: The Time Has Come"
2003 DR. LAYTON F. RIKKERS, Madison, "The Bandwagon Effect"
2002 DR. ANDREW L. WARSHAW, Boston, "Probing the Biology of Pancreatic Cancer"
2001 DR. WILLIAM C. KRUPSKI, Denver, "Smoking: Impact in the New Millenium"
2000 DR. DONALD TRUNKEY, Portland, "Assessing Competence: A Tale of Two Professions"
1999 DR. JOHN WONG, Hong Kong, "East and West: Diversity and Unity in Surgery"
1998 SIR ROY CALNE, Cambridge, England, "Immunological Tolerance: From the Laboratory to the Clinic"
1997 DR. LASALLE LEFFALL, Washington, DC, "Medical Ethics as Seen by a Surgeon"
1996 DR. TOM DEMEESTER, Los Angeles, "A Surgeon's Life from the Inside Out"
1995 DR. KAREN DEVENEY, Portland, "Adapting Medical Education to Changes in Healthcare"
1994 DR. DAVID SKINNER, New York, "The Impact of Healthcare Reform on Academic Medical Centers"
1993 DR. LAWRENCE W. WAY, San Francisco, "Current Analysis & Future Implications of Videoendoscopic Surgery"
1992 DR. GLENN D. STEELE, JR., Boston, "Old & New Markers for Epithelial Tumors-Their Clinical Utility"
1991 DR. ERNEST EUGENE MOORE, JR., Denver, "Metabolic Support of the Gut in the Critically Injured"
1990 DR. J. WESLEY ALEXANDER, Cincinnati, "Nutritional Immunopharma¬cology"
1989 DR. C. ROLLINS HANLON, Chicago, "Surgery and the Humanities"
1988 DR. JONATHAN L. MEAKINS, Canada, "The Gut: The Motor of Multiple Organ Failure"
1987 DR. ALDEN H. HARKEN, Colorado, "Oxygen"
1986 DR. JAMES C. THOMPSON, Texas, "Surgery for Endocrine Tumors of the Pancreas"
1985 DR. SAMUEL A. WELLS, St. Louis, "Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia"
1984 DR. NORMAN E. SHUMWAY, Stanford, "Heart and Lung Transplantation"
1983 DR. R. SCOTT JONES, Charlottesville, "Treatment of Peptic Ulcer"
1982 DR. RICHARD M. PETERS, San Diego, "Fluid Exchange and Oxygen Delivery"
1981 DR. RICHARD L. SIMMONS, Minneapolis, "Biologic Basis for the Treatment of Peritonitis"
1980 DR. JOHN F. BURKE, Boston, "The Evolving Surgical Treatment of Burn Injury"
1979 DR. THOMAS E. STARZL, Denver, "Liver Transplantation"
1978 DR. DONALD L. MORTON, Los Angeles, "Recent Advances in Immunobiology in the Therapy of Melanomas and Sarcomas"
1977 DR. STANLEY J. DUDRICK, Houston, "Intravenous Alimintation and Disease"
1976 DR. DAVID C. SABISTON, Durham, "The Coronary Circulation"
1975 DR. WILLIAM P. LONGMIRE, Los Angeles, "Current Management of Carcinoma of the Stomach"
1974 DR. W. DEAN WARREN, Atlanta, "Bleeding Esophageal Varices: A Therapeutic Dilemma"
1973 DR. JOHN S. NAJARIAN, Minneapolis, "Renal Transplantation: The Present and a Prospect"
1972 DR. FRANCIS DANIELS MOORE, Boston, "The Production and Distribution of Surgeons and Physicians"
1971 DR. G. THOMAS SHIRES, Dallas, "Cellular Response to Shock"
1970 DR. H. WILLIAM SCOTT, JR., Nashville, "Cushing's Syndrome and Adrenocortical Tumors"
1969 DR. J. ENGLEBERT DUNPHY, San Francisco, "Repair and Regener¬ation in the Large Intestine"
1968 DR. MICHAEL E. DeBAKEY, Houston, "Assisted Circulation: Problems in Development of Mechanical Devices"
1967 DR. ROBERT M. ZOLLINGER, Columbus, "A Discussion of Ulcero¬genic Tumor of the Pancreas"
1966 DR. JAMES D. HARDY, Jackson, "The Replacement of Organs"
1965 DR. CLARENCE J. BERNE, Los Angeles, "Management of Duodenal Ulcer"
1964 DR. MARK M. RAVITCH, Baltimore, "Landmarks in Pediatric Surgery"
1963 DR. WILLIAM A. ALTEMEIER, Cincinnati, "Hospital-Acquired Infections in Surgery and Their Significance"
1962 DR. CHARLES G. ROB, Rochester, NY, "The Surgery of Atherosclerosis"
1961 DR. JONATHAN E. RHOADS, Philadelphia, "The Growth of Preven¬tive Surgery in the Field of Cancer"
1960 DR. LOYAL DAVIS, Chicago, "Hypertension"
1959 DR. J. GARROTT ALLEN, Palo Alto, "Serum Hepatitis"
1958 PROF. CHARLES W. ILLINGWORTH, Glasgow, Scotland, "The Endocrine Aspects of Breast Cancer"
1957 DR. ALFRED BLALOCK, Baltimore, "Cardiovascular Surgery-Past and Present"
1956 DR. EDWARD D. CHURCHILL, Boston, "The Nature of Wounds and Wound Healing"
1955 DR. FREDERICK A. COLLER, Ann Arbor, "Relation of Science to Surgery"
1954 DR. LESTER DRAGSTEDT, Chicago, "Etiology of Gastric and Duodenal Ulcer"
1953 DR. OWEN H. WANGENSTEEN, Minneapolis, "Esophageal Aspects of the Peptic Ulcer Problem"
1952 DR. WARREN H. COLE, Chicago, "The Surgical Aspects of Jaundice"
1951 DR. DALLAS B. PHEMISTER, Chicago, "The Importance of Pathological and Radiological Studies in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cholelithiasis"
1950 DR. ALFRED A. STRAUSS, "The Clinical End Result in the Surgical Treatment of Carcinoma of the Stomach and Colon since 1915 and Observations of the Relative Acquired Immunity Against Carcinoma Following Surgery"