Dr. Kris Calhoun Selected UW School of Medicine’s Patient Care Committee Academic Co-Chair

Dr. Kris Calhoun
Dr. Kris Calhoun, Associate Professor, Division of General Surgery, has been selected to serve as the Academic Co-Chair on the University of Washington (UW) School of Medicine’s (SOM) Patient Care Committee.
As Academic Co-Chair and in partnership with Executive Co-Chair, Dr. Mark Whipple, Associate Professor in the Departments of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery and Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education, Assistant Dean for Curriculum UW SOM, Dr. Calhoun will set agendas, lead meetings, ensure adequate and appropriate documentation of meetings and decisions, convene task forces and special groups as needed, serve as liaison to the Curriculum Committee, oversee or delegate oversight as appropriate the work of appointed committees and subcommittees, and report recommendations from the Patient Care Phase Committee to the Curriculum Committee.
In response to her selection as Co-Chair, Dr. Calhoun expresses “I am excited to be appointed Co-Chair for the Patient Care Committee within the SOM, which oversees all of the required clerkships at the 3rd year level. This is my second year as surgery clerkship director, so being co-chair will allow me to make sure the voice of the surgery clerkship is heard and work towards making positive changes for our students. Interest in surgery as a career continues to grow, so having a surgeon’s voice on this committee will be key as we move forward.”