Gaskins, Devin



Devin Gaskins, MD

Trainee Photo Coming Soon Image


Boise, Idaho, USA

Undergraduate School:

The College of Idaho

Medical School:

The University of Washington School of Medicine


I was born in Maryland, but raised in Idaho where I completed undergrad and my first years of medical school. I then moved to Seattle for the clinical portion of medical school. Having a surgical technician/nurse as a mom, dinner table talk growing up was often about what she saw in the OR which gave me an early interest in surgery. Having competed in sports all my life, I was quickly drawn to the focus on technique and practice that surgical training requires and am fortunate to start that training here at the University of Washington!

Personal Interests:

Reading, movies, screenplay writing, weightlifting, Baltimore Ravens

Clinical Interests:

Trauma, MIS/Bariatrics, Medical Education

Why UW?

Having gone to UW for medical school, I had the privilege of meeting and working with various residents and attendings from the department of surgery. The mentorship I received throughout this time was paramount to my success as a student and I found myself wanting to emulate the level of clinical knowledge, surgical skill, and compassion of those I rotated with. I am very fortunate to continue to learn from so many great people!

What advice do you have for incoming interns?

Write everything down! Don’t forget to stretch!

What do you like best about living in Seattle?

The ferry boat rides! Nothing will make you feel more like the main character of a movie drama like being on a boat while looking over the Puget Sound on an overcast, October evening.


  1. Stern, K, Aaltonen, H, Weykamp, M, Gaskins, D, Qui, Q, O’Keefe, G, Littman A, Linnau, K, Rowhani-Rahbar, A. “Associations of Fatty Liver Disease With Recovery After Traumatic Injury”. Journal of Surgical Research; 07/2023 Abstracts
  2. Gaskins, D, Coston, T, Bailey, A, Arbabi, S, McClellan, J, West, T, Stewart, B. “Correlation between initial and diagnostic bronchoalveolar lavage isolates among patients with inhalation injury and pneumonia”. Journal of Burn Care & Research; 05/2023.
  3. Hunter, M, Gaskins, D, Hubbard, M, Carrougher, G, Wiechman S, Stewart, B, Chambers, M, Gibran, N. “Evaluation of PROMIS-10 Global health Survey Implementation at a Regional Burn Center Clinic”. Journal of Burn Care & Research; 05/2023.
  4. Coston, T, Gaskins, D, Arbabi, S, West, T, McClellan, J, Bailey, A, Stewart, B. “The Impact of Inhalation Injury Grade on Bacterial Isolates from Diagnostic Bronchoscopy with Bronchoalveolar Lavage”. Journal of Burn Care & Research; 05/2023