Surgery News

Bariatric surgery for teens coming into mainstream

Portrait photo of Dr. Judy Y. Chen-Meekin

UW Medicine | Newsroom | August 27, 2019 A recent study found that the teens lost just as much weight as adults, and saw complications such as diabetes disappear or retreat. [Editor’s note: The patient, who is starting college, asked that her last name not be published.] When her endocrinologist first suggested bariatric surgery to deal with…

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Tap know-how to prevent firearm deaths

Portrait photo of Dr. Eileen Bulger

The Seattle Times | Editorials | August 14, 2019 By The Seattle Times editorial board   This month’s heartbreaking mass shootings have re-energized calls for Congress to strengthen gun control and regulation. Dishearteningly, proposals for how to do so appear to be cleaving largely along entrenched party lines. There is a better way. The mayors…

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UW Medicine milestone: 1,000 lung-transplant recipients

Portrait photo of Dr. Michael Mulligan

UW Medicine | Newsroom | August 7, 2019 UW Medical Center is the 11th U.S. hospital to achieve that volume, and the only such provider in the Pacific Northwest.   UW Medicine’s lung-transplant team, the only such providers in the Pacific Northwest, performed their 1,000th transplant on July 7, 2019.  Ten other U.S. programs have reached…

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Rising beyond the scars

Dr. Tam Pham

UW Medicine | The Huddle | August 7, 2019 Recovering from a burn injury isn’t just physical. A lot of it is emotional as well. That’s what Camp Eyabsut aims to do for young burn survivors by providing them with an experience where they can just be kids. Many of the campers — and even some of the…

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