Surgery News

Thanks from a Chief Resident

Dear UW Department of Surgery Faculty, I wanted to take a minute to say thank you to you all for training me these past 7 years. Those of you who were at the graduation dinner have already heard this but I wanted to make sure that everyone hears it from me. I learned something of value…

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Seattle surgeon’s innovation lets ‘one tough cookie’ of a girl breathe normally—Featuring Dr. Richard Hopper

A pioneering procedure by doctors at Seattle Children’s has changed the position and structure of 9-year-old Hannah Schow’s face, allowing her to breathe without a tube, play baseball and swim. By E.J. Smith III—Seattle Times staff reporter Hannah Schow dreamed of swimming with dolphins. Stuck in a hospital bed after her 12th surgery, then 8-year-old…

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Wood Elected WTSA Historian

Dr. Douglas Wood, Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Surgery, Chief, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Endowed Chair in Lung Cancer Research, was elected by the Western Thoracic Surgical Association (WTSA) Council to be their new Historian at their 42nd annual meeting in June 2016. Dr. Wood previously served as WTSA President 2007-2008. The WTSA Historian…

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Maier Selected ASA President-Elect

Dr. Ron Maier

Ronald V. Maier, MD was selected President–Elect of the American Surgical Association (ASA) at their 136th Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, April 2016. The ASA was founded in 1880 and is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious surgical organization. Its members include the nation’s most prominent surgeons from the country’s leading academic medical institutions, many…

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